The Accessory Dwelling Unit zoning ordinance amendment was to be the big topic at Tuesday’s Lowell City Council meeting, but that turned out not to be the case.
Of course she doesn’t know what it is. It is climate change, it is the continued deforestation of Lowell, and the resulting heat island that has been created.
You write: I think “what it is” is global warming and I’m not sure the city is doing enough to prepare for its consequences, but we’ll leave that for another day.
Agreed. The head in the sand approach to climate change is alive and well.
Of course she doesn’t know what it is. It is climate change, it is the continued deforestation of Lowell, and the resulting heat island that has been created.
You write: I think “what it is” is global warming and I’m not sure the city is doing enough to prepare for its consequences, but we’ll leave that for another day.
Agreed. The head in the sand approach to climate change is alive and well.